Some more websites on the internet are exciting. Although they are actually related to the passion of genealogy just a little, you might be excited, because they are close to the fun with history in general. And the demand for quality is the highest possible level: this philosophy meets my offer and my service.
Please click on the links below the images.
The largest German and the largest international website about Johann Sebastian Bach. Plus, on this website you will find the most complete Bach genealogy on the planet. The address of this website? "Bach on".
Two years ago, Renate and Peter Bach from Flein close to Heilbronn, Germany, asked me for support with their latest project: a new Bach website on the internet. They wanted to go on with Peter Bach’s grandfather’s research and needed my support. Meanwhile, Peter and Renate continued Peter’s grandfather's search. Both succeeded in Thuringia with their grandfather’s results, more specific in the community of Marbach, close to Erfurt. The next goal for the oncoming research would have had been in the town of Erfurt. Mr. Bach said, that my honorarium made sense for him as he had to add time and the bill for gas as well as lodging. In addition, both the research in old documents was a hurdle and the check via microfilm. In the very beginning, his goal was to research and index all Bachs in Germany. But realizing that Bach is the eighth most common German name and, excepting, that just the data for one tribe was huge, this insight more and more led to the goal, to both look for the roots of his own ancestors and keep an eye on the branch of Johann Sebastian Bach. Meanwhile, we go on cooperating successfully and Peter Bach's website went public in October 2012 under the address of "". However, the English version needs some weeks to start. But not only for Bach lovers is this site exciting. A second target group in the close future will be everybody, who loves family research. Because genealogy is one of three themes of this project and both of the Bachs love to discover all this age-old stuff around their search. A visit ... pays. Much! "Bachü" – or later for you guys "" – is really easy to remember, but it’s even easier to click on the link.
The Genealogy Portal. On this page you will find much exciting information regarding genealogy. And even for me as a genealogist, this website is an interesting source.
Experience, what the world looked like back then. Antique maps – that is not really related to genealogy – but it fits perfectly into the overall theme.
Ancient maps, age-old town perspectives, historic prints. Have a look, how the sights of the world changed. A piece of jewelry on the wall or treasures in the combination with your own genealogy. Rainer J. Götzfried specializes in locating such works of art, to buy them and to offer them. Someone who is doing genealogy intensively, often experiences an increase to more fun with historic things. That is what these age-old documents are. Just make a time travel.
Dreamlike details on real works of art. This is an option as well: first you get interested in your own genealogy, later you get interested in more stuff from the past, and finally you are excited by crests.
Works of art of sensational quality, commissioned art works upon request. Whether for a minute letterhead, or family crests to cover floor-to-ceiling, this artist will design and create a perfect piece of art for you. Even if you have never researched your family crest before, it'll be worthwhile to check out Alexander Jacob's website.
The genealogy of the Bach Family of Musicians ... starts in Wechmar, Thuringia. For me as a genealogist this is a very exciting website related to the theme of Johann Sebastian Bach.
"Bach in Wechmar" is a website which my friend Peter Bach, Jr. created. This website is not related with family research in the broader sense, but with the genealogy of Johann Sebastian Bach. Renate and Peter Bach are so excited with the Johann Sebastian Bach theme that they not only work on one website related to Bach but on several ones. Here I will introduce all of them.
The Bach Website "Johann Sebastian Bach for Children". Genealogy is no priority on this website. But there is no website of Peter without at least a small section of genealogy about Johann Sebastian Bach and the Bach Family of Musicians.
This website of my friends from Heilbronn, Germany is the latest in a whole collection of websites related to the theme of Johann Sebastian Bach. It addresses kids and teens, but as well parents and grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents and ... teachers in general and music teachers in particular. Just click here and you will be there in a second.
C.A. Hoske ... Your Genealogist / Family Researcher in Thuringia / Germany